Acupuncture & Dry Needling DivisionThe Acupuncture & Dry Needling Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association provides practice support to physiotherapists that utilize any form of acupuncture or dry needling in clinical practice.
Membership in the Acupuncture & Dry Needling Division gives you access to a wide variety of resources to help you excel in your career.
Upcoming Online Events:
Acupuncture & Dry Needling Division Call for Research Grant Applications
The Acupuncture & Dry Needling (ADN) Division Executive are happy to offer the opportunity to apply for funding to support Canadian-based, acupuncture-focused, research to be led by an ADN Member. There will be one grant awarded in 2024. Maximum amount of the grant is $10,000!!!
To apply for funding, the Principal Investigator must meet the following criteria:
Download the application form here to apply!
To apply for funding, the Principal Investigator must meet the following criteria:
- Members of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, in good standing.
- Members of the ADN Division, in good standing.
- Submit a completed Grant Application Form.
- Submit a research proposal as described in the Grant Application Form.
- Understand that incomplete applications will not be reviewed and applicants will not be contacted for more information, unless specifically requested by the Grant Evaluation team.
- Complete applications must be emailed, in one PDF document to [email protected].
- For questions, applicants can email the ADN Division Executive at [email protected]
Download the application form here to apply!