Who We Are
The Acupuncture Division is a branch of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA). We are a non-profit organization that works to serve its members by providing leadership and direction regarding the use of acupuncture and dry needling in clinical practice.
Membership Benefits
Acupuncture Database
Member Only Resources
The Acupuncture Division is a branch of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA). We are a non-profit organization that works to serve its members by providing leadership and direction regarding acupuncture practise and related courses.
It takes a lot of work to make a non-profit division run. If you are interested in volunteering with the Acupuncture Division we have options for you!
Are you excited about social media, acupuncture research, student leadership or mentorship programs? Would you like to be involved with our quarterly newsletter or finances? Provide your email and your interest area and we will contact you about volunteer opportunities.
Acupuncture Database
Member Only Resources
The Acupuncture Division is a branch of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA). We are a non-profit organization that works to serve its members by providing leadership and direction regarding acupuncture practise and related courses.
It takes a lot of work to make a non-profit division run. If you are interested in volunteering with the Acupuncture Division we have options for you!
Are you excited about social media, acupuncture research, student leadership or mentorship programs? Would you like to be involved with our quarterly newsletter or finances? Provide your email and your interest area and we will contact you about volunteer opportunities.
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